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We thought you'd like to know a bit about our values, motivations and beliefs

Hands Up


and often in coaching we look at the values and beliefs that clients hold to check in with how they may be feeling compromised or how they can guide actions to be more in line with these values and beliefs. 

At Evolve Coaching we hold key values around increasing accessibility and trying to counter some of the many inequalities in our society.

Coaches actively listen and we have been listening to the Black Lives Matter movement and re-educating ourselves in what it means to be anti-racist and challenge the casual and institutional prejudice we encounter and may be implicitly part of.  

We have spent over 20 years working with people who some define as 'hard to reach'. They may be homeless, have mental health issues, learning difficulties, be members of minority groups, be young people at risk of exclusion - not one of them is defined by their 'issue' but all face barriers, discrimination and difficulties in accessing the opportunities they deserve. We are passionate advocates for those underrepresented in the mainstream and we are experts in enabling inclusion.


We work to come up with ways to support those from diverse backgrounds who may particularly benefit from coaching and workshops, but find this support inaccessible.  We focus on those working in the third sector and the cultural sector which we know has been terribly affected by COVID and now the cost of living crisis.  We have developed a successful programme called Resilient Creatives, increasing sector diversity which we are has supported those most at need. 

©2020 by Evolve Coaching.

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